Here you’ll find a list of courses I have assisted or currently assisting:
Advanced Communications in the Biological Sciences (Fall 2015)
Duties: Assisted with grading undergraduate written work. Met with students outside of class to discuss writing techniques. Held in-depth oral presentation practice sessions. Proctored an undergraduate research symposium attended by local AP biology high school students.
Ecology EBIO325 (Spring 2013)
Guest Lecture (created and lectured): Symbioses- Mutualists and Parasites
Duties: Assist in daily learning activities, guide in-class discussions, and grade/guide writing assignments.
Ecology Lab EBIO316 (Spring 2013)
Volunteer Teaching Assistant
Duties: Helped develop novel and innovative teaching modules on the symbiotic Hydra Chlorella (Hydra viridis) system and lecture materials. Developed additional outdoor labs and helped lead weekly field trips. Also assisted in grading, workshopping, and advising undergraduate projects.
Professional Development EBIO520 (Spring 2012-present)
Developed, created and implemented class
With the help of my colleagues, I designed a class aimed to enhance the professional development of graduate students and advanced/senior undergraduates (e.g. oral speaking, teaching philosophies, how to get into graduate school). This class is now offered every semester with guest lectures from faculty members.
Plant Diversity EBIO336 (Spring 2012)
Guest Lecture (created and lectured): Ethnobotany and Bioprospecting
Duties: Demonstrate plant identification, lead discussions on reading material, hold review sessions, grade papers/tests, aid with scientific/review writing.
Awarded Joe Davies Prize for Outstanding Service as a Teaching Assistant
Community Outreach (2012 – 2016)
Aided in designing and implementing a novel two week intensive summer internship for local high school students with an emphasis upon critical thinking, experimental design, and preparing for college. Summer 2013 – 2016
Taught butterfly catching, spreading, and identifying demonstration with undergraduates and visiting high school teacher. Fall 2012
Demonstrated endophyte leaf peel/visualization to visiting high school students. Fall 2012
Helped lead a desert insect education class attended by grade school children with the Great Basin Naturalists. Summer 2011